[Monday Me-Time]: New Website and Past Travel

Sup everyone? Enjoying your holiday weekend if you're in the States and/or work someplace that observes Memorial Day? Don't forget to take some time to reflect on why we have a day off for Memorial Day while we kick off the unofficial start to the summer!

This is the first in what's going to be a series called Monday Me-Time where I'll blog about something personal: my likes, travels, something that means something to me. But before I get into that I want to talk about what I did over the weekend: ta-dah!

I have a website! I thought it'd be good to put myself out there professionally, partly to improve my online footprint (I barely have one!) and partly to make sure I keep my professional achievements chronicled. Still more to come obviously: the "Work" page needs to be updated with some press releases, achievements, and articles I've been featured or quoted in.

But I'm really excited about how it came out!

Now, moving onto my Me-Time post...

I should have posted about this months ago, but for the first time in my life, I went to Paris this past December for Christmas. I have friends who live there and was visiting them and their family. It was absolutely wonderful, and I miss it a lot. I want to go back! The food! The sights! The wine! We even got to spend some time in Dijon, where my friend's family is from. So gorgeous.

Here are a few pictures from my awesome trip!

Me on my first day in Paris!

We could walk to the Eiffel Tower from where we stayed

Trip out to Notre Dame

Stained glass inside Notre Dame

Gorgeous Nativity inside Notre Dame

A shot of the Louvre

The Grand Hotel La Cloche in Dijon lit up for the holidays

My au revoir shot of the tower. I miss Paris!

So that's all for now. Where have you been that you're dying to revisit?


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