[Working Wednesday]: Digital vs Print Books

All right we all knew this topic had to come up at some point right? I work in digital publishing, so for the most part, my job is all about eBook publicity and marketing. But I also handle a number of select print titles as well, so I'm definitely in a position to be asked that now evergreen question: digital books or print books?

It's starting to become quite the debate, isn't it? Which is better, traditional physical books you can hold in your hands or those new-fangled eBooks you can buy anywhere? Well to quote one of my favorite movies, the Road to El Dorado, "Both. Both is good."

I ♥ this movie so much.

But seriously, why choose? They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with physical books.

  • They have that new - or old - book smell.
  • Buying them at indie stores or chain retailers helps keep bookstores in business. (RIP Borders)
  • Sometimes there's nothing like holding a physical book in your hands, feeling its weight, and touching the finish on the cover.
  • So much easier to share and enable your friends. Loan them book one and watch them run out and buy the rest of the series!
  • If you like worn books that show the many times you've read it, you just can't getthat effect on a digital book.

  • Travel. I read really fast so when I go away, packing books is awful. I used to need help with my suitcase as a kid because digital books weren't a thing and I could read upwards of ten books on vacation.
  • Coast. Let's be honest. Sometimes buying that hardcover just isn't in the budget this month. But a cheaper eBook could suffice for the time being.
  • Space. I live in a tiny NYC apartment. Yeah I've got great high ceilings, but limited wall space, so I can't buy every book I want in physical form. There's just not enough space. We can't all be Belle.
I will never stop wanting that library.

    Okay well that's pretty balanced. So how about eBooks?

    • Unlimited space! My kindle has hundreds of books on it and shows no signs of slowing down. 
    • Ease of purchase. The last bookstore in my area recently closed (ugh don't get me started), so it's not that easy to get to the nearest one. Or I could hop onto a digital retailer and purchase a book and start reading right away. The convenience!
    • Going places. Going away for a week? Two? Longer? Grab your eReader, load it with books, and boom. You have as many books as you could want, and plenty of space left in your carry-on.
    • Pricing. Generally, eBooks are cheaper than physical. Not sure about that new author? Better to buy a book at $2.99 than $15 and realize you don't like their writing style. Personally I use eBooks like a library sometimes. I buy the digital copy and if I fall in love with it, then I also purchase a physical copy. Or if it's The Night Circus I buy every copy/format I can get my hands on...)
    • Ok, I'll be honest. It's not the same as holding a physical book. you can't show it off easily and it's less fun watching people read eBooks on the subway than physical ones. It's so hard to snoop what they're reading! (I know I'm not the only one who does this)
    • Much more difficult to share. There are ways to loan eBooks, but sometimes they're complicated, especially if you're trying to loan it to someone not tech savvy.
    • Speaking on not tech savvy, it's not easy for some people to figure out how to download/load eBooks for reading. Buying a physical book is so much easier.
    • Licensing. Sometimes, when you buy an eBooks, you don't technically own the book. You're paying for the right to have it on your device. And that means, for Reasons, retailers can remove the book from their markets - and your devices - without warning. At least if a physical books is discontinued or out of print, you still have your old copy.
    Me without my books.

    So those are my thoughts. My obvious preference is both, depending on the book, but what about you? Do you have on format you always prefer and if so why? Did I leave out any obvious pros or cons? Drop me a comment and let's chat!


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