
Showing posts from July, 2016

[Working Wednesday]: How Not to Get An Agent

If you've been paying attention on Publishing Twitter today, you might have seen people in all walks - agents, editors, publicists, authors - weighing in on one particular topic: David Benjamin. I won't go into a lot of detail here about what exactly he said because it's already been covered (and I'll link to that), but I did want to say how he is the epitome of the best practices on how not to land yourself an agent, I get it. Rejection can hurt. But a  lot of writers who go on to write some beloved stories have been rejected over and over. JK Rowling is a prime example. And it's fine to blog about your disappointment at yet another rejection. What's not fine is a mean-spirited, belittling, straight-up misogynistic rant about agents who didn't like your ill-prepared pitch. This is what he sounded like to me underneath the gross misogyny. I'll let In the Inbox take it from here. This literary agent intern screencapped the post and some